Kelly McGarry

Rampage Grompage Does It Get Any Better?


Redbull Rampage 2016: The Highs & Lows according to WorldBikeParks

(Did we interview you at Redbull Rampage? Check out those clips in our latest Chairlift Confessions Podcast with Trish Bromley here)

It seems like Rampage (check out WBP Rampage 2015 here) is always dusty, windy, and hot!  I guess you have to expect those conditions; it is a desert after all. This year was no exception.  We’re always feeling a bit worn out by the end of it.  Good thing the event was trimmed to just a single day of competition this year. 

Our goal for Redbull Rampage, besides just enjoying the spectacle of athletic wizardry, is to get some good photos and video, and to meet up with friends and industry peeps that we didn’t get a chance to see at Interbike.  However, new for this year, the organizers of the event declared that they were placing restrictions on those who were authorized to shoot video.  That order made our lives a bit easier...let’s party!

As it turned out, the real party for us was happening the day after Rampage.  Mtn Ranks organized and hosted their own event called “Fanpage: Freeride for the People”.  At the same time, a veritable army of Groms showed up and showed off their skills for the 1st annual “Grompage”!  Check back with us for more epic photos! 

Have you heard the lastest 2-part Chairlift Confessions Podcast with the Parents and the GROMS? Make sure to check it out! (iTunes + Stitcher

Do you follow us yet? We are everywhere, all the time, riding and goofing off.


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